Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Why I love my family

Dinner at Bertucci's tonight, on the eve of Pete leaving for a prolonged trip. The girls often fight about who gets to sit with which parent, but tonight was smooth sailing - Emma wanted Pete & Fia wanted me. We had a great family meal where we talked with our kids, and laughed, and told stupid knock-knock jokes. We talked about school, and work, and Pete & I went back and forth quite a bit about our respective, ridiculous workloads. Emma did her best to track the conversation & chimed in with a note of solidarity, pointing out how Sofia still hasn't started school, while Emma is back full time & Pete and I continue to work like dogs.

"While THREE of us are busy WORKING all day, ONE of us stays HOME and just PARTIES!"

"Yeah, and it's an I DON'T MISS YOU party!!"


Linda said...

Have I got the boys for them!!

sorcamc said...

That is sooooo cute!