Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.

Perhaps I should elaborate, lest my 3 faithful readers suffer from concern that I am somehow on the wagon. Don't worry, Monica. I am doing my best to prove that liquor stores are recession-proof.

But honestly, the dread and fear won't go away, no matter how much I dull it with alcohol or sublimate it with loud music, exercise, caffeine, food. Nothing works.

Sofia's teacher came up to me this morning and asked that I keep her informed next week. Then she said that Sofia has seemed a little off this week, crying at weird times, kind of weepy. She talks about the surgery very matter-of-fact but I think she is picking up on our unease. Poor thing is trying to put a brave face on. She's my girl in so many ways.

From what I have heard, the surgery takes about 4 hours. I could sniff a lot of glue in 4 hours.


Monica said...

Please don't tell me you gave up wine?!


Linda said...

Sniff the magic markers if you are commited to staying off the glue!

EGD said...

Hell no, Monica!! I wish I had something stronger!!!

Linda said...

You are breaking my heart! It's going to be a long 4 hours. I wish I could be there with you. I'll be thinking about you. I'm sorry that you and Fia have to worry about this....

sorcamc said...

Elise, it is OVER!!! Your email says so, so now you can PUT THE GLUE DOWN!

Love you tons!