Monday, November 17, 2008


I am totally losing my shit.

Less than a week now until my sweet baby goes under the knife and I am a wreck. I can't even talk about it without getting teary. And this is so unlike me - I am usually such a cool cucumber...rational and calm. Right? But not when it's my kid.

So tonight we dropped Emma at CCD and then headed to Target, the happiest place on earth. I needed paper towels (not a one left in the house, see my previous post about my domestic management challenges...) and we also needed to pick up some underwear for Sofia post-surgery. The incision is about where a C-section incision would be, and I spoke to another mom who's daughter had the ureter reimplantation surgery and she mentioned that she had to buy underwear several sizes larger so that it wouldn't irritate the scar. So that was our mission.

But of course, it's Target, you never go there just for the items on your list, so I told Fia that we were going to also pick up a treat for her for the hospital. And good sport that she is, she said "yeah mom, and you can give it to me in the hospital when I wake up."

Oh my sweet, precious child. Yesssss! Mommy will give you anything you like, anything in the world.

And then she says, "And mom? When people visit me in the hospital? They will bring me treats too, right?"

And I say "Of course they will, sweetie."

And she says, "Mom? Can you write a note for that? To make sure people know that they have to bring me treats?"

And I said, "How about this? Dear Friends and Family...If you come to visit Sofia in the hospital please remember to bring her a present."

"That's perfect, mom."

At least one of us is staying focused.

1 comment:

sorcamc said...

Well, what is on that sweet little Fia's wish list, mommy? Auntie Sorca might have to send a gift her way :)